Personal Details
Name: Petro Rusinko
DOB/Age: 24/09/2011, 20 years
Hometown: Minsk, Central, Belarus
Height/Reach: 5ft 4/ 64inches
Personality: Ambitious
Last Fight: 18/06/2032
Gym: Z Gym
Status: Hoping to be selected for the Olympics
QuickNote: Not Applicable
Personal Details (cont)
Am Record: 19 - 8
International: Yes
WeightClass: Light Flyweight
Style: Boxer-Puncher
Stance: Orthodox
Class: 630
Popularity: 100
Overall: 650 - 700
Home Pref: 165
Media: 680
Adaptability: 996
Loyalty: 998

Accuracy: 750 - 800 Power: 650 - 700
Timing: 750 - 800 Handspeed: 600 - 650
H/Movement: 700 - 750 Reflexes: 650 - 700
Blocking: 700 - 750 Stamina: 300 - 350
Footwork: 700 - 750 Strength: 550 - 600
Clinch: 550 - 600 Chin: 550 - 600
Finishing: 600 - 650 B/Toughness: 600 - 650
In-Fighting: 550 - 600 S/Toughness: 600 - 650
Out-Fighting: 600 - 650
Ring IQ: 650 - 700 Jab: 700 - 750
Composure: 700 - 750 Cross: 750 - 800
Aggression: 600 - 650 Hook: 800 - 850
Workrate: 350 - 400 Uppercut: 750 - 800
Determination: 450 - 500 Overhand: 550 - 600
Heart: 650 - 700 B/Punching: 550 - 600
Fouling: 550 - 600
Training: 850 - 900
Gameplan: 750 - 800
Fighter Languages
Russian 100%

Foreign Fanbase
N/aRussia 50
N/aUkraine 50

Amateur Achievements