Fight Details
Matchup: Raphael Van Geyte   W   Maas Santon   (UD)
Corner A: Coen Van der Plancke
Corner B: Rumold Van Cryst
Fight Date: 14/03/2028
Show Promoter: AI Netherlands-South Holland
Venue: Rotterdam Aelbrecht, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Weightclass: Middleweight
Fight Type: Non Title / 10 rounds
Excitement Rating: 841
Purse & Expenses
Raphael Van Geyte's Purse: 4120
Maas Santon's Purse: 905
Raphael Van Geyte's Expenses: 50
Maas Santon's Expenses: 50

Name: Feel Adriaenssens
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Strictness: 767
Awareness: 446
Stoppages: 453
Competence: 662
Judge 1
Name: Claudy Van de Dicke
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Ring Control: 144
Aggression: 125
Defensive: 178
Shots Landed: 553
Sway: 485
Judge 2
Name: Wolf Joossens
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Ring Control: 122
Aggression: 118
Defensive: 165
Shots Landed: 595
Sway: 266
Judge 3
Name: Jefke Abelmont
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Ring Control: 158
Aggression: 151
Defensive: 186
Shots Landed: 505
Sway: 474