Fight Details
Matchup: Lars Martens   L   Raphael Van Geyte   (UD)
Corner A: Abel Van de Visschereye
Corner B: Coen Van der Plancke
Fight Date: 26/11/2029
Show Promoter: AI Netherlands-South Holland
Venue: The Hague Witkin, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Weightclass: Middleweight
Fight Type: Non Title / 10 rounds
Excitement Rating: 1103
Purse & Expenses
Lars Martens's Purse: 582
Raphael Van Geyte's Purse: 2561
Lars Martens's Expenses: 50
Raphael Van Geyte's Expenses: 50

Name: Hal Tancquere
Location: Tilburg, Netherlands
Strictness: 398
Awareness: 734
Stoppages: 328
Competence: 415
Judge 1
Name: Huijbrecht Tsoen
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Ring Control: 153
Aggression: 179
Defensive: 239
Shots Landed: 429
Sway: 965
Judge 2
Name: Zeger Jans
Location: Breda, Netherlands
Ring Control: 139
Aggression: 127
Defensive: 188
Shots Landed: 546
Sway: 859
Judge 3
Name: Mathys Harync
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Ring Control: 106
Aggression: 123
Defensive: 228
Shots Landed: 543
Sway: 907