Fight Details
Matchup: Ghys de Baenst   D   Lukas Van de Raa   (Draw)
Corner A: Abel Van de Visschereye
Corner B: Franz Kiezlync
Fight Date: 15/03/2022
Show Promoter: AI Netherlands-South Holland
Venue: The Hague Witkin, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Weightclass: Lightweight
Fight Type: Non Title / 10 rounds
Excitement Rating: 464
Purse & Expenses
Ghys de Baenst's Purse: 884
Lukas Van de Raa's Purse: 250
Ghys de Baenst's Expenses: 50
Lukas Van de Raa's Expenses: 50

Name: GaÙtan Van Gheluwe
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Strictness: 908
Awareness: 785
Stoppages: 774
Competence: 648
Judge 1
Name: Toby Bake
Location: Breda, Netherlands
Ring Control: 112
Aggression: 114
Defensive: 179
Shots Landed: 595
Sway: 205
Judge 2
Name: Frank Heimaert
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ring Control: 124
Aggression: 107
Defensive: 275
Shots Landed: 494
Sway: 796
Judge 3
Name: Godveerd Lambrechts
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Ring Control: 169
Aggression: 159
Defensive: 171
Shots Landed: 501
Sway: 336