Fight Details
Matchup: Cuppe Gheleyns   W   Nicolas Willebart   (UD)
Corner A: Damiaan Pardoen
Corner B: Baete Patulet
Fight Date: 25/08/2022
Show Promoter: AI Netherlands-South Holland
Venue: Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Weightclass: Super Welterweight
Fight Type: Netherlands Super Welterweight Final Eliminator / 12 rounds
Excitement Rating: 1066
Purse & Expenses
TV revenue: 8000
Cuppe Gheleyns's Purse: 10000
Nicolas Willebart's Purse: 10000
Cuppe Gheleyns's Expenses: 0
Nicolas Willebart's Expenses: 0

Name: Maeterle Geert
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Strictness: 640
Awareness: 986
Stoppages: 649
Competence: 505
Judge 1
Name: Eddie Mane
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Ring Control: 123
Aggression: 118
Defensive: 175
Shots Landed: 584
Sway: 197
Judge 2
Name: Valeer Moenssens
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Ring Control: 163
Aggression: 132
Defensive: 202
Shots Landed: 503
Sway: 196
Judge 3
Name: Wissel Van der Visscherye
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Ring Control: 147
Aggression: 117
Defensive: 155
Shots Landed: 581
Sway: 364