Sumito Urayama
21/01/2025 at 07:37
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
One of my fighters doesn't seem to be able to improve the chemistry with his trainer beyond 85.

Smokin Joe
21/01/2025 at 15:57
Smokin Joe
To start with your trainer Roman Carcamo is only rated @ 801- 900 as a swarmer trainer  so the fight styles are out of  sync .

21/01/2025 at 21:40
Los Moreco Promotions
that style stat shouldnt make a difference for chemistry, which should just improve month buy month, but quicker if fighter and trainer are from same country and speak the same language.

in this case i would have expected the fighter to be at 100% chemistry within a couple of years of being assigned, so something not working.

his next training is due around game date 11th August.  i'll check again after this and if still not going up see if i need to make any changes.