Venue Type Options
Sumito Urayama
21/03/2024 at 11:46
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
There needs to be more Venue Type options, it's a bit silly that Uruguay doesn't have ONE Large Hall venue in the entire country.

It's either a 400 max Small Hall or a 4000+ Indoor Arena.

Please, I don't want to have all my Uruguayan events taking place in a neighbouring country. D:

21/03/2024 at 19:26
Los Moreco Promotions
Sumito Urayama said:
There needs to be more Venue Type options, it's a bit silly that Uruguay doesn't have ONE Large Hall venue in the entire country.

It's either a 400 max Small Hall or a 4000+ Indoor Arena.

Please, I don't want to have all my Uruguayan events taking place in a neighbouring country. D:

Players can do some research themselves to find suitable venues.

If you find one which you think needs adding to the game, you can go to Shows >  Find Venue and put some details in and click the Request button.

The screen then allows you to enter a venue name, type, capacity and asks for a link to show its a venue in real life.

Once submitted it comes to me for approval and then it gets created (as long as its not blatantly fake!)

Sumito Urayama
27/03/2024 at 15:56
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
I've put in some requests for additional venues.

27/03/2024 at 17:01
Los Moreco Promotions
Sumito Urayama said:
I've put in some requests for additional venues.

Ok, just approved a load now

Sumito Urayama
27/03/2024 at 22:18
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
I've added a new request for Ginásio do Maracanãzinho, a 11,800 capacity Indoor Arena in Rio de Janeiro.

I think you can delete the Ginasio do Ibirapuera in Rio de Janeiro and replace it with the new one Ginásio do Maracanãzinho as they're similar capacities, I think that Ginásio do Ibirapuera is only a Sao Paulo Indoor Arena.

Sumito Urayama
05/04/2024 at 16:13
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
Added a few more. :)

05/04/2024 at 18:25
Los Moreco Promotions
Sumito Urayama said:
Added a few more. :)

Ok just done them