Weightclass:  Lightweight
Location:  The Hague, Netherlands
Record:   20 - 9(1)
DateVenueRecordOpponentOpp RecordOutcomeMethodRoundsCommentsReport
27/03/2030Breda Ziebosch, Breda, Netherlands20 - 8 Amandus Aernoudts12(4) - 1 - 1 L KO11 12 Netherlands Lightweight SF EliminatorView
09/08/2029The Hague Witkin, The Hague, Netherlands19 - 8 Merten Van den Broucke10 - 8 - 5 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
12/06/2029Breda Van Cotheem, Breda, Netherlands18 - 8 John Cappaert8 - 9 - 5 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
21/02/2029The Hague Ghyoodt, The Hague, Netherlands17 - 8 Matthys Schefold17 - 10 - 2 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. Netherlands-South Holland Lightweight Final EliminatorView
27/11/2028Krakow Exhibition Centre, Krakow, Poland17 - 7 Benedict Jacque9(3) - 0 L UD 10Scorecards: 94-97, 94-97, 94-97. View
26/09/2028Rotterdam Hermans, Rotterdam, Netherlands16 - 7 Lowieke Van Bocxlaer13 - 8 - 3 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. Netherlands-South Holland Lightweight SF EliminatorView
26/02/2028The Hague Martins, The Hague, Netherlands16 - 6 Alwin Neirync14 - 3 L UD 12Scorecards: 110-119, 109-119, 109-119. Netherlands Lightweight SF EliminatorView
11/08/2027Eindhoven Ghellync, Eindhoven, Netherlands15 - 6 John Cappaert8 - 8 - 5 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
27/11/2026Rotterdam Alaerd, Rotterdam, Netherlands15 - 5 Alwin Neirync13 - 2 L MD 12Scorecards: 114-115, 114-115, 115-115. Netherlands Lightweight SF EliminatorView
25/04/2026Kitwe Kamuhuzya, Kitwe, Zambia15 - 4 Eloy Cevallos12 - 7(6) - 1 L UD 12Scorecards: 113-115, 112-117, 113-116. View
01/08/2025Royal Albert Hall, London, UK15 - 3 Shane Delaney13 - 2(1) L UD 12Scorecards: 112-116, 112-116, 112-116. Western Europe Lightweight MandatoryView
27/04/2025Rotterdam Lapierre, Rotterdam, Netherlands14 - 3 Tuyp Schaelles4 - 7 - 2 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
23/03/2024Rotterdam Aelbrecht, Rotterdam, Netherlands13 - 3 Diederik Van der Banck7 - 4 - 3 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
29/08/2023The Hague Rosseel, The Hague, Netherlands13 - 2 Yann Van Amere10 - 2 - 1 L UD 12Scorecards: 109-119, 109-119, 109-119. Netherlands Lightweight MandatoryView
26/04/2023The Hague Van der Scave, The Hague, Netherlands12 - 2 Egidius Van Gheluwe10 - 3 - 1 W UD 12Scorecards: 120-108, 120-108, 120-108. Netherlands Lightweight Final EliminatorView
27/12/2022The Hague Van der Scave, The Hague, Netherlands11 - 2 Tist Lamsins11 - 1 W MD 12Scorecards: 115-114, 114-114, 115-114. Netherlands Lightweight SF EliminatorView
26/06/2022Rotterdam Claeys, Rotterdam, Netherlands11 - 1 Tist Lamsins10 - 1 L UD 10Scorecards: 93-97, 93-97, 93-97. Netherlands-South Holland Lightweight MandatoryView
30/01/2022Amsterdam Van de Woestyn, Amsterdam, Netherlands10 - 1 Frederik Mordaech4 - 6 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
05/11/2021Akrobettoe Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands9 - 1 Matthys Schefold6 - 3 - 1 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. Netherlands-South Holland Lightweight SF EliminatorView
12/07/2021Claus Schelfhout Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands9 - 0 Yann Van Amere7 - 0 - 1 L UD 12Scorecards: 113-116, 114-115, 113-116. Netherlands Lightweight SF EliminatorView
17/01/2021Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands8 - 0 Abraham Gillis4 - 2 - 1 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
05/11/2020Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands7 - 0 Dorus Scakyer0 - 6 W UD 8Scorecards: 79-73, 79-73, 79-73. View
23/06/2020Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands6 - 0 Michl Lekens2 - 0 - 1 W UD 4Scorecards: 39-37, 39-37, 39-37. View
20/02/2020Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands5 - 0 Wilequot Heirbaut3 - 0 - 1 W UD 6Scorecards: 60-54, 60-54, 60-54. View
11/11/2019Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands4 - 0 Lukas Van de Raa2 - 2 W UD 6Scorecards: 60-54, 60-54, 60-54. View
02/08/2019Rotterdam Aelbrecht, Rotterdam, Netherlands3 - 0 Matthys Schefold2 - 1 W UD 6Scorecards: 60-54, 60-54, 60-54. View
21/05/2019Albinus Aernouds Gym, Amsterdam, Netherlands2 - 0 Guido Van Berlo0 - 0 W UD 4Scorecards: 40-36, 40-36, 40-36. View
29/03/2019Mogilev Adamczak, Mogilev, Belarus1 - 0 Nikolai Shakhrai1 - 0 W UD 4Scorecards: 40-36, 40-36, 40-36. View
13/02/2019Amsterdam Patin, Amsterdam, Netherlands0 - 0 Frederik Mordaech0 - 0 W UD 4Scorecards: 40-36, 40-36, 40-36. View