Weightclass:  Super Middleweight
Location:  Eindhoven, Netherlands
Record:   4 - 17 - 2
DateVenueRecordOpponentOpp RecordOutcomeMethodRoundsCommentsReport
11/07/2029Eindhoven Schuerman, Eindhoven, Netherlands4 - 16 - 2 Laurent Van de Woestyn6 - 9(1) - 9 L UD 10Scorecards: 92-98, 92-98, 92-98. View
12/12/2027Breda Van Cotheem, Breda, Netherlands4 - 15 - 2 Guilielmus Haerlefyn11 - 6 - 3 L UD 10Scorecards: 93-97, 93-97, 93-97. View
28/07/2026Rotterdam Claeys, Rotterdam, Netherlands4 - 14 - 2 Wirik Maese12 - 1 - 3 L UD 10Scorecards: 94-97, 93-97, 94-96. View
13/11/2025The Hague Witkin, The Hague, Netherlands3 - 14 - 2 Aernout Banckaert4 - 5(1) W UD 10Scorecards: 97-93, 97-93, 97-93. View
30/12/2024Breda Van Cotheem, Breda, Netherlands3 - 13 - 2 Guilielmus Haerlefyn8 - 4 - 3 L MD 10Scorecards: 94-96, 94-96, 95-95. View
23/02/2024The Hague Van der Scave, The Hague, Netherlands3 - 12 - 2 Cool Hebberecht2 - 1 L UD 10Scorecards: 90-100, 90-100, 90-100. View
02/09/2023Rotterdam Aelbrecht, Rotterdam, Netherlands2 - 12 - 2 Peter Arens0 - 11 - 1 W UD 10Scorecards: 97-93, 97-93, 97-94. View
27/04/2023Claus Schelfhout Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands1 - 12 - 2 Brett Lekens7 - 6 - 1 W UD 10Scorecards: 97-93, 97-93, 97-93. View
07/12/2022Rotterdam Petit, Rotterdam, Netherlands1 - 11 - 2 Minte Fierens7 - 2 - 2 L UD 10Scorecards: 93-97, 93-97, 93-97. View
12/08/2022Rotterdam Van Gayseele, Rotterdam, Netherlands1 - 10 - 2 Jejoen Van den Cule8 - 2 L UD 10Scorecards: 90-100, 90-100, 90-100. View
26/04/2022Voller Van Buerwaen Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands1 - 9 - 2 Christophe Landsins5 - 3 - 2 L UD 10Scorecards: 93-97, 93-97, 93-97. View
05/03/2022Breda Van Cotheem, Breda, Netherlands1 - 8 - 2 Jim Calomme2 - 7 - 2 L UD 10Scorecards: 93-97, 94-96, 94-97. View
21/11/2021Eindhoven Bassieu, Eindhoven, Netherlands1 - 7 - 2 Nelis Robytaelge6 - 1 L UD 10Scorecards: 90-100, 90-100, 90-100. View
09/05/2021Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands1 - 6 - 2 Nelis Robytaelge5 - 1 L UD 8Scorecards: 72-80, 72-80, 72-80. View
04/02/2021Amsterdam Patin, Amsterdam, Netherlands0 - 6 - 2 Jim Calomme2 - 4 - 1 W UD 8Scorecards: 80-72, 80-72, 80-73. View
09/09/2020Claus Schelfhout Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands0 - 5 - 2 Herreman Patin4 - 3 L UD 10Scorecards: 91-99, 91-99, 91-99. View
10/04/2020Sergei Shavershian Gym, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia0 - 5 - 1 Borya Novosad2 - 4 D MD 10Scorecards: 95-95, 95-96, 95-95. View
22/12/2019Albinus Aernouds Gym, Amsterdam, Netherlands0 - 4 - 1 Edmond Danwyck1 - 3 L UD 8Scorecards: 75-77, 75-77, 75-77. View
10/10/2019Dierick Schoonemaecker Gym, Rotterdam, Netherlands0 - 3 - 1 Mark Van Gansebroeck3 - 0 L UD 6Scorecards: 54-60, 54-60, 54-60. View
01/08/2019Claus Schelfhout Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands0 - 2 - 1 Herreman Patin0 - 3 L UD 8Scorecards: 74-78, 74-78, 74-78. View
16/05/2019Claus Schelfhout Gym, Eindhoven, Netherlands0 - 2 Naeye Van de Kerckhove2 - 0 D 6Scorecards: 57-57, 57-57, 57-57. View
17/03/2019Breda Van Cotheem, Breda, Netherlands0 - 1 Santiago Gonzalez1 - 0 L UD 6Scorecards: 54-60, 54-60, 54-60. View
13/02/2019Eindhoven Eggheman, Eindhoven, Netherlands0 - 0 Andre Van der Wede0 - 0 L UD 4Scorecards: 36-40, 36-40, 36-40. View