Show Promotion
Show Title:  
Show Date: 02/09/2023
Promoter: Abdulyan Promotions
Open Show: Y
Venue Name: The Hague Witkin, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Capacity: 398
Total Ticket Sales: 398 (262 CS, 106 MP, 30 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 11280rq
TV Details: Not Televised
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 60
Mid-price: 40
Cheapseats: 20
Total Purse/Sweetener: 15209
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Basten Raemhondt W Benedict Hendryckx (UD)Featherweight Netherlands-South Holland Featherweight Voluntary10*View
Lievijn Willewycx L Christophe Landsins (UD)Super Middleweight N/a8*View
Knave Modde D Ambroos Van den Keere (Draw)Super Welterweight N/a4*View
Tommy de Beul W Warre Wittebroot (UD)Super Welterweight N/a8*View
Raf Scochtyn W Jean Philip Van Gossy (UD)Super Bantamweight N/a10*View
Maeterle Keersmaekers L Reinout Matthyssens (UD)Super Bantamweight N/a10*View
Bjorn Pharynghoot W Wouter Andries (UD)Super Middleweight N/a6*View
Norbert Danwyck W Constant Penne (UD)Super Middleweight N/a6-View
Booij Van Eyck W Alex Neyts (UD)Super Bantamweight N/a10-View
Pien Audelet L Martijn Hazaerdt (UD)Super Welterweight N/a6-View