Show Promotion
Show Title:  
Show Date: 15/04/2026
Promoter: AI Indonesia-South Sumatra
Open Show: Y
Venue Name: Palembang Kelvan, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Capacity: 394
Total Ticket Sales: 394 (252 CS, 114 MP, 28 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 6490rq
TV Details: Not Televised
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 40
Mid-price: 25
Cheapseats: 10
Total Purse/Sweetener: 5602
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Ibrahim Gurmani L Rahmad Sayuti (UD)Super Featherweight N/a10*View
Teuku Tjahjana D Baskoro Asari (MDraw)Featherweight N/a8*View
Rahmat Triasdi W Faisyal Kwok (UD)Super Welterweight N/a8*View
Obaid Wasti L Tirta The (UD)Flyweight N/a10*View
Bagaskoro Sugiono W Bagus Sukarno (MD)Super Bantamweight N/a6-View
Sigit Supandi L Elang Sampoerna (UD)Flyweight N/a8-View
Mangkubini Saeroen L Ken-dedes Ancion (UD)Super Welterweight N/a6-View
Baskoro Ie L Katon Dharma (UD)Super Welterweight N/a6-View
Candra Noer L Baskoro Tanandar (UD)Featherweight N/a6-View
Dian Noerdin L Jaka Djojohadikusumo (UD)Flyweight N/a8-View