Show Promotion
Show Title:  
Show Date: 06/11/2026
Promoter: TFI
Open Show: N
Venue Name: The Louisville Palace, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Capacity: 2700
Total Ticket Sales: 2531 (1511 CS, 828 MP, 192 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 289580rq
TV Details: Live Streaming PPV - 8783 buys, 131745rq
Streaming Charge: 15
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 600
Mid-price: 400
Cheapseats: 250
Total Purse/Sweetener: 584770
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Dmitri Bodak L Chris Travis (KO12)Super Welterweight N/a12* * * *View
Byron Segalen W Chase Baston (KO10)Heavyweight North American Heavyweight Final Eliminator12* * *View
Vince Viana W Justin Wilkie (KO5)Bantamweight N/a12* * *View
Sobhan Elakchaoui W Mikhail Vorontsevich (UD)Heavyweight N/a12* * *View
Jake Leckie W Dom Povey (UD)Super Lightweight USA Super Lightweight Final Eliminator12* * *View
George Lynch W Bruce Brymer (TKO11)Cruiserweight N/a12* *View