Show Promotion
Show Title:  
Show Date: 24/09/2028
Promoter: Ring star
Open Show: N
Venue Name: Dynamo Palace of Sports, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Russia
Capacity: 5000
Seating Config: 5000
Total Ticket Sales: 3278 (2039 CS, 976 MP, 263 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 226720rq
TV Details: Not Televised
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 100
Mid-price: 80
Cheapseats: 60
Total Purse/Sweetener: 197259
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Fedar Shchegolikhin L Mark Callander (UD)Super Featherweight N/a8* * * *View
Sergei Muradov L Zernebog Truchan (KO7)Light Flyweight Eastern Europe Light Flyweight Mandatory12* * * *View
Marlen Alifirenko W Diego Hernandez (UD)Super Flyweight N/a8* * * *View
Isaak Moiseyev W Snorre Lauridsen (UD)Heavyweight N/a8* * *View
Boris Chemenov W Mikhail Kazan (UD)Minimumweight Eastern Europe Minimumweight Final Eliminator12* * *View
Kolya Solovyov W Dominik Gracin (UD)Heavyweight N/a8* * *View