Show Promotion
Show Title:   Last Ditch Defence
Show Date: 07/07/2030
Promoter: Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
Open Show: Y
Venue Name: The SND Arena, Asuncion, Asuncion, Paraguay
Capacity: 5500
Seating Config: 5500
Total Ticket Sales: 5500 (3410 CS, 1650 MP, 440 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 324720rq
TV Details: Live Streaming PPV - 49950 buys, 499500rq
Streaming Charge: 10
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 96
Mid-price: 72
Cheapseats: 48
Total Purse/Sweetener: 669506
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Selestino Castellano L Angel Galeas (KO6)Light Flyweight South American Light Flyweight Mandatory12* * * *View
Carlos Tejada W Jaguar Borromeo (KO7)Flyweight South American Flyweight Mandatory12* * * *View
Ramirez Leyva W Montenegro Urdiales (UD)Super Lightweight N/a12* * * *View
Venacio Vejar W Talbot Ledoyen (UD)Super Lightweight N/a12* * *View
Eloy Cuadrado D Jose Garza (MDraw)Super Lightweight N/a12* * *View
Quiqui Candelaria W Diego Contrera (TKO11)Flyweight N/a12* * *View