Show Promotion
Show Title:  
Show Date: 21/07/2031
Promoter: AI India-Karnataka
Open Show: Y
Venue Name: The Bell Hotel Conference Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Capacity: 500
Total Ticket Sales: 500 (311 CS, 149 MP, 40 RS)
Total Ticket Revenue: 13435rq
TV Details: Not Televised
Ticket Pricing & Finance
Ringside: 50
Mid-price: 35
Cheapseats: 20
Total Purse/Sweetener: 13085
Marketing: No Marketing
The Fights
Weight ClassTitle DetailsRoundsRatingFight Details
Gautam Mehta W Kiran Anand (UD)Heavyweight India-Karnataka Heavyweight Voluntary10* *View
Abdul Hussain W Bilal Vohra (UD)Light Heavyweight N/a10*View
Zuffur Shahid D Ananth Parmanand (Draw)Super Lightweight N/a10*View
Rehman Amin L Hanuman Beniwal (UD)Super Welterweight N/a10*View
Johar Kalita L Ibrahim Allee (UD)Welterweight N/a10-View
Lochan Sule L Deepak Bala (UD)Lightweight N/a10-View
Vivek Mangal W Sajid Usman (UD)Light Flyweight N/a8-View
Ananth Zivarattinam W Kailash Ahluwalia (UD)Heavyweight N/a10-View
Jawad Mohammad W Faisal Youssef (UD)Lightweight N/a10-View
Siddharth Ramakrishnan W Zain Farrah (UD)Light Flyweight N/a10-View