Fight ducking Mandatorys and Eliminators
24/02/2024 at 12:45
First of all, this is no offense against anyone, but something I noticed, which I think shouldnt work.
What happened
On 27/6 my fighter Asiago lost a WRBC Eliminator to Kyle Gomez, which I expected,
then on 1/7 my fighter Caffrey got an invitation for the WRBC cruiserweight Eliminators,
and I thought, I just lost the Final Eliminator, there cant be new ones, and now looking at it, Kyle Gomez has an Invitation for the 2nd Semifinal,

so what likely happened, Kyle Gomez vacated his mandatory position, which, well, why to do, why even fight an eliminator, if you dont like to fight for the title, but even worse, he gets invited straight away, without any delay to the next Semifnal Eliminator, for the same title, no suspension, no loss in ranking position etc.

I somehow feel this is wrong, and again no offense to Gomez manager, it is fine to decide to vacate a position, but there should be some kind of penalty.

Can this be loooked into, or any opinions from other?

24/02/2024 at 13:03
Mr. Vicious
i could be wrong but in the last version i think he would have been suspended from that particular organisations rankings for 6 months

24/02/2024 at 13:53
Los Moreco Promotions
I'll have a look.
Vacating any title position should mean you can't get called up for an eliminator for 6 months for that title (but can still fight for a voluntary)

24/02/2024 at 20:54
Los Moreco Promotions
Mr.Vicious said:
i could be wrong but in the last version i think he would have been suspended from that particular organisations rankings for 6 months

that should be back in this version of the game now.
Not suspended from rankings - but just excluded from getting called up for eliminators for 6 months for that title.