Fight camps and contract signings
16/11/2024 at 15:40
GAT Management
Something wrong with the game lately, i cant cancel fight camps for my fighters anymore and cannot offer a contract to one of my amateur fighter

16/11/2024 at 16:31
Los Moreco Promotions
Can you be more specific. What happens when you try to cancel a fight camp, and what happens when you try to sign one of your amateurs?

Are you getting errors, or is just nothing happening or is the option not there at all?

16/11/2024 at 17:19
GAT Management
rooq said:
Can you be more specific. What happens when you try to cancel a fight camp, and what happens when you try to sign one of your amateurs?

Are you getting errors, or is just nothing happening or is the option not there at all?

My amateur fighter when i want to enter the amount in the box, i click and nothing happens
When i want to cancel a fight camp, it says confirm cancellation of fight camp with the green check and the red x, either i click the check or the x, nothing happens

16/11/2024 at 17:51
Los Moreco Promotions
Thanks. Can you give me the link of one fight camp you are trying to cancel and I'll have a go.

Also let me know which amateur and how much / how many years, and I'll try that as well.

This way I can check for any errors in the server

16/11/2024 at 18:02
GAT Management
rooq said:
Thanks. Can you give me the link of one fight camp you are trying to cancel and I'll have a go.

Also let me know which amateur and how much / how many years, and I'll try that as well.

This way I can check for any errors in the server

Heres the links for 2 of my fighters fight camps

My amateur boxer would cost me 17,867

16/11/2024 at 18:25
Los Moreco Promotions
It worked immediately when I tried to cancel the fight camp for 1st fighter.

Is the game maybe running slow for you?

16/11/2024 at 19:07
GAT Management
rooq said:
It worked immediately when I tried to cancel the fight camp for 1st fighter.

Is the game maybe running slow for you?

Not running slow but i realised these problems started when the donate button appeared

16/11/2024 at 19:58
Los Moreco Promotions
not sure how...maybe your screen resolution means the button has got pushed down and got in the way?

anyway, i tried moving the button out of the way if you want to see if its made any difference

16/11/2024 at 20:24
GAT Management
rooq said:
not sure how...maybe your screen resolution means the button has got pushed down and got in the way?

anyway, i tried moving the button out of the way if you want to see if its made any difference

That was it, the problem is fixed
The button was low on my screen but not really in the way but for a reason it interfered somehow
Thank you for your help

16/11/2024 at 20:38
Los Moreco Promotions
phew...good to know what affect a little tweak can have on players