Just the surnames?
Sumito Urayama
24/04/2024 at 23:42
Sumito Urayama's KO Kings
Is this a bug or am I mis-remembering what this page used to look like?


eBoxing Media
25/04/2024 at 01:11
The Kingdom of Riyadh
I also noticed this, confused the life out of me.

25/04/2024 at 05:58
Los Moreco Promotions
I was trying to get the screen working better on mobile view, as the last title action row doesn't show properly, so reduced size of the name.

Unfortunately it didn't work so guess I'll change it back and think of something else.

Maybe I could shade the rows different depending on what action is required, e.g highlight where eliminator needs to be accepted or when in purse bids.

25/04/2024 at 08:53
It won't resolve the issue with the mobile view but it would be useful if the columns were sortable like they are on other screens, with titles/elims in purse bids or that need accepting going to the top when you click the final column