Weightclass:  Super Lightweight
Location:  Tetouan, Morocco
Record:   23(6) - 11(5) - 1
DateVenueRecordOpponentOpp RecordOutcomeMethodRoundsCommentsReport
26/05/2033Tangier Baddou, Tangier, Morocco23(6) - 10(4) - 1 Razzaak Boulif14(8) - 2 L KO9 10 Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight MandatoryView
22/01/2033Tetouan Souhail, Tetouan, Morocco22(6) - 10(4) - 1 Dirar Zamzami13(3) - 2(1) W UD 10Scorecards: 97-93, 97-93, 97-93. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
21/09/2032Tangier Haddi, Tangier, Morocco21(5) - 10(4) - 1 Jalal al Din Belhsen7 - 8(2) - 2 W KO4 10 Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
26/10/2031Tetouan Zaidi, Tetouan, Morocco21(5) - 9(3) - 1 Bilal Jappa21(6) - 12(1) - 1 L KO10 10 Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
09/05/2031Cairo Stadium Indoor Main Hall, Cairo, Egypt21(5) - 8(2) - 1 Saad Alzahabi33(23) - 0 L KO8 12 Northern African Super Lightweight View
07/12/2030Stad El Abdi, Marrakech, Morocco21(5) - 7(2) - 1 Faqih Noujani20(12) - 0 L UD 12Scorecards: 113-115, 113-115, 113-115. View
12/09/2030Bob Guertin Arena, Gaineau, Canada21(5) - 6(1) - 1 Sid Haddad32(24) - 2(2) - 1 L KO10 10 View
19/04/2030Cairo Expo City, Cairo, Egypt21(5) - 5 - 1 Saad Alzahabi27(17) - 0 L KO8 12 Northern African Super Lightweight MandatoryView
04/03/2030American University of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco20(5) - 5 - 1 Bilal Jappa19(4) - 8(1) - 1 W UD 12Scorecards: 116-112, 117-112, 117-112. Northern African Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
04/11/2029Annaba Ramdani, Annaba, Algeria19(4) - 5 - 1 Khalid Menouar17 - 7(2) W KO9 12 Northern African Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
28/06/2029American University of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco18(4) - 5 - 1 Bilal Jappa18(4) - 6(1) - 1 W UD 12Scorecards: 120-108, 120-107, 120-107. Morocco Super Lightweight MandatoryView
10/02/2029Oran Abrika, Oran, Algeria18(4) - 4 - 1 Gazi Deghiche18(8) - 9(3) L UD 12Scorecards: 113-114, 113-114, 113-114. Northern African Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
13/10/2028Algiers Tedjar, Algiers, Algeria17(4) - 4 - 1 Rehman Drid18(1) - 6 W UD 12Scorecards: 119-108, 119-108, 119-108. Northern African Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
28/06/2028American University of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco16(3) - 4 - 1 Rehman Soliman20(1) - 3(1) W KO10 12 Morocco Super Lightweight MandatoryView
25/04/2028Kenitra Ivgy, Kenitra, Morocco16(3) - 3 - 1 Baligh Berrabah15(3) - 2(1) L UD 10Scorecards: 94-95, 94-95, 94-95. View
13/10/2027Tangier Rafik, Tangier, Morocco16(3) - 2 - 1 Ma'd Abdurrahman22 - 2(2) L UD 12Scorecards: 108-120, 108-120, 108-120. Northern African Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
27/06/2027Kenitra Ivgy, Kenitra, Morocco15(2) - 2 - 1 Baligh Berrabah15(3) - 1 W KO9 12 Morocco Super Lightweight MandatoryView
23/02/2027Fes Azoulay, Fes, Morocco14(1) - 2 - 1 Rehman Soliman18(1) - 2 W KO9 12 Morocco Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
26/10/2026Casablanca Belolo, Casablanca, Morocco13 - 2 - 1 Iyas Tahar15 - 2(1) W KO11 12 Morocco Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
07/07/2026Tangier Shitrit, Tangier, Morocco13 - 2 Ajwad Chaouch13(2) - 1 - 1 D 10Scorecards: 95-95, 95-95, 95-95. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight MandatoryView
05/03/2026Tangier Boussaid, Tangier, Morocco12 - 2 Khalish Azoulay6 - 10 - 3 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
22/09/2025Marrakech Frikeche, Marrakech, Morocco11 - 2 Kemaleddin Elhaouzy6 - 6 - 5 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-89, 100-89, 100-89. View
26/07/2025Tangier Basser, Tangier, Morocco10 - 2 Thawab Abdesselam8 - 7 - 5 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-89, 100-89, 100-89. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
29/10/2024American University of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco10 - 1 Ma'd Abdurrahman14 - 0 L UD 12Scorecards: 111-118, 111-118, 111-118. Morocco Super Lightweight MandatoryView
26/06/2024Khouribga Serghini, Khouribga, Morocco9 - 1 Ayham Iguider8 - 3 W UD 12Scorecards: 116-112, 116-112, 116-112. Morocco Super Lightweight Final EliminatorView
25/02/2024Berkane Ramid, Berkane, Morocco8 - 1 Ra'id Joumari7 - 4 - 1 W UD 12Scorecards: 117-111, 117-111, 117-111. Morocco Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
01/09/2023Tetouan Zaidi, Tetouan, Morocco8 - 0 Ma'd Abdurrahman10 - 0 L UD 10Scorecards: 94-97, 94-97, 95-96. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight MandatoryView
18/06/2023Tetouan Zaidi, Tetouan, Morocco7 - 0 Marzuq Abergel2 - 4 - 2 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
26/12/2022Tazim Sadiqi Gym, Tangier, Morocco6 - 0 Khalish Azoulay3 - 7 W UD 10Scorecards: 99-91, 99-91, 99-91. Morocco-Tanger-Tetouan Super Lightweight SF EliminatorView
23/08/2022Hotel Continental, Tangier, Morocco5 - 0 Zamen Oubouhou1 - 3 - 1 W UD 10Scorecards: 100-90, 100-90, 100-90. View
16/06/2022Casablanca Khalis, Casablanca, Morocco4 - 0 Aqil Adib0 - 1 W UD 4Scorecards: 40-36, 40-36, 40-36. View
14/04/2022Tazim Sadiqi Gym, Tangier, Morocco3 - 0 Ziaul-Haq Bensusan3 - 3 - 2 W UD 8Scorecards: 80-72, 80-72, 80-72. View
17/12/2021Moufid Elhaimour Gym, Fes, Morocco2 - 0 Jabalah Reggab1 - 4 - 3 W UD 8Scorecards: 78-74, 78-74, 78-74. View
18/06/2021Kenitra Benmergui, Kenitra, Morocco1 - 0 Rasil Essabr1 - 1 - 1 W UD 6Scorecards: 60-54, 60-54, 60-54. View
30/12/2020Kenitra Benmergui, Kenitra, Morocco0 - 0 Saif al Din Marrakchi1 - 1 W UD 4Scorecards: 40-36, 40-36, 40-36. View